From the first few chords on opening track Teenage Angst In Heaven it's apparent where the band's influences lie. From pop-punk veterans Green Day to grunge heroes Nirvana. The Underdogs show that they aren't afraid to wear their musical inspirations on their sleeve. Everything from the vocal style to how loud the bass is in the mix highlight how bands of this ilk should and do sound. It's an EP that really captures the feeling you get when listening to an early Green Day record; even the titles of the songs themselves are very reminiscent of that era of music. Nevertheless, even with all of these similarities present, The Underdogs still sound somewhat unique in comparison to bands of the same style.
Perhaps the finest thing about this EP is the catchiness of the songs. You'll have the chorus to Oh Maybe running laps around your head for days and even the chord progressions manage to lodge themselves deep inside your cerebral cortex. The quality of the tracks alone is great. EP highlight Magic Matt kicks hard initially with a pummelling drum section and furious strumming before breaking into a chorus that is not only melodic but rather soft-hearted and floaty, it then proceeds to crash through into a fantastic sounding solo; great variety and unpredictability. In addition to the quality of the tracks, the title itself is hilarious and refers to the events of a certain 'Battle of the Bands' night, if you weren't there then you missed out greatly.
So there you have it, a very promising debut from a very young and very much local band. Not only is this EP great but it's also free. Support an up-and-coming group of musicians by downloading it for free from the bands Facebook page on the 28th of September, and then get down to a show and sing your lungs out. 7.5/10
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